Friday, September 20th was Election Day at Hawthorn. Immense thanks and admiration go out to each and every student who put their name forward for the 2024-2025 Student Council.

Your careful preparation, talent, and spirit of collaboration shone through your candidate speeches and characterize your invaluable contributions to our community. We are truly so fortunate to have you on board, ‘helping each of us feel included in shaping our school’s activities’, as one of the girls said in her talk.

In a compact, high-octane agenda of lunchtime speeches, afternoon voting, ballot counting and verification, election results were announced in an assembly at the end of the school day.

Congratulations to our new 2024-2025 Student Council, chosen by Hawthorn’s Upper School students:
President: Ximena ’25
Vice-President: Ana Maria ’25
Treasurer: Adesuwa ’27
Head of Communications: Rocio ’25
Sports Representative: Ebun ’27
Character Education Representative: Bella ’26