On Thursday, January 9, Hawthorn celebrated so many things: reuniting with friends after the Christmas holiday, the start of the brand new year 2025, and the birthday of St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei, whose teachings inspired a group of parents to establish Hawthorn School.

This annual event is an opportunity for Hawthorn students and staff to come together, be grateful for our school, and have fun! This year we ventured out to an exclusive showing of the wonderful new adaptation of the beloved novel The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

We were hosted by the historic Fox Theatre (est’d 1914) in the Beaches neighbourhood, Toronto’s oldest continuously operating theatre.

Walking through their doors provided a beautiful, unique step back in time, and the perfect setting for this nostalgic holiday comedy, a wonderful movie for us to share laughter and a few tears, and be filled with the true spirit of Christmas, which truly happened… for everyone.