Hawthorn’s Upper School Choir, Schola Cantorum, continues to grow in reputation in our community with their beautiful singing and engaging presence both in and out of our school. On Sunday, November 17 at Blessed Trinity Church in North York, they joined the 09h30 Mass, assisting the family choir and the existing music plan for Mass. Seven singers performed soprano and alto lines and, for the first time, six singers from Lower School joined them. Our US altos reviewed the alto lines with a fellow alto they had only just met during the rehearsal before Mass. The hymns included ‘Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven’, ‘Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence’, ‘All Ye Who Seek a Comfort Sure’, and thechoral anthem ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring‘ by J.S. Bach, with violinist Victoria ’26 collaborating with the organist, playing the memorable melody on violin.
As soon as we finished singing the Bach piece during Communion, without missing a beat, Fr Ed was at the ambo with hearty and encouraging words, complimenting all of us (family choir and Hawthorn) that the choir was ‘exceptional‘, welcoming us back, extending an open invitation to join again soon, and even inviting us to the Christmas Eve Children’s Mass. After Mass we captured a few photos and then were treated to Timbits outside of the church proper.
Feedback following the Mass was most inspiring. One of the Upper School singers said with a warm smile, ‘It was fun!‘ – so did a LS singer! The family choir director said, ‘It was a treat to have the Hawthorn Schola join us today at the 9:30! It truly was an uplifting experience, hopefully one of many to come!’ A parent in the family choir shared compliments about hearing the violinist and hopes we come back soon. Multiple people shared how wonderful the violinist was.
Thank you to our Choir Director, Ms Kim, for leading our singers in yet another memorable musical experience. When asked to describe what makes her such an excellent teacher, some of her chorists leapt to say ‘determined’, ‘faithful’, and ‘experienced’ – exactly qualities that inspire greatness in her young musicians!